Our Values | Homestead Village, Lancaster PA


Our Values

  • We value every member of the Homestead Village community.
  • We practice and expect high ethical standards, applying the principles of trust, honesty, respect, integrity, and commitment.
  • We strive to provide exceptional service, holding each individual in utmost esteem.
  • We support an environment that improves quality of life, fulfills individual aspirations, values diversity, and holds our mission paramount.
  • We seek to minister to each individual’s body, mind, and spirit.
  • We acknowledge and respect one another’s spiritual beliefs while honoring our Christian heritage.

Our Mission

Enhancing independence and dignity as together we create a compassionate community.

Our Vision

To serve all who come into our community with genuine and remarkable kindness, respect, and skill. Our service is based on the hallmarks of individuality, continual improvement, engagement in the broader community, and commitment to complete wellness.

Our Philosophy of Care

The philosophy of care at Homestead Village springs from a belief in the dignity, inherent worth, and right to self-determination of each individual resident.

  • We strive to meet the health and wellness needs of residents at all points along the continuum of care.
  • We provide an environment that enhances and encourages continued personal growth and life satisfaction.
  • We make decisions utilizing open and honest communication involving residents, their families, and members of the health team.
  • We exercise thoughtful stewardship of resident resources as well as those of Homestead Village and the greater community.



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