Homestead Village Participates in LeadingAge PA Lobbying Day at State Capitol - Homestead Village

Homestead Village Participates in LeadingAge PA Lobbying Day at State Capitol

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On Tuesday, June 4th, Homestead Village, along with other non-profit senior care providers from across Pennsylvania participated in the LeadingAge PA Statewide Lobbying Day. LeadingAge PA is a statewide trade association representing non-profit senior care providers.

The day began with a press conference and rally in the Main Capitol Rotunda to highlight the important services that organizations such as Homestead Village provide, and to advocate for the needs of Pennsylvania’s non-profit senior care providers. LeadingAge PA is requesting a $70 million dollar increase in state Medicaid funding in the State FY 24-25 budget. This investment is needed to ensure continued access to care for Pennsylvania’s older adult population and will provide much needed funds for providers to meet the new increased nursing home staffing requirements.  Funding will also help older adults receive the care and services they need from quality providers.

Following the press conference, attendees fanned out across the Capitol to meet with individual members of the General Assembly. Homestead Village had the privilege of meeting with Representative Brett Miller (41st District) and the Legislative Director for Senator Ryan Aument (36th District). These meetings allowed Homestead Village to share our story; from the everyday challenges we face to what makes us a great place to live and work. Over the next few weeks members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly and the Governor will continue to negotiate the State budget, which was required to be enacted by June 30th.

Homestead Village Advocacy Day Participants

Pictured Left: HV Resident Joan M. with Shaun K., HV Marketing. Joan has worked in advocacy for many years and was recently elected Vice President of the Pennsylvania Association of Retirement Community Residents (PARCR) for a two year term beginning July 1 as well as being the Legislative Affairs Director and newsletter editor. Visit to learn more!

Pictured Right: A large group of supporters met at the capitol!

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